About Me

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So hi! I'm Alice... I like music, food, books, theatre and pretty much everything inbetween. I write a lot, poems, stories, songs... I'm writing a story (hopefully a book eventually) at the moment called It's In The Blood, the beginning of which can be found here: http://intheblood.blogspot.com/ What else... no idea. I am a HUGE MASSIVE GEEK!!! Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter are my babies. Leave them alone and I'll leave you alone, kay? Go here for my nerdy life http://www.aliciyar.blogspot.com

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

It's in the Blood - Prologue

My story begins a year ago. I was ordinary then, more or less. Not at all like the person I’ve become. Let me tell you how my life changed. Some of it may be hazy - my mortal memories aren’t as sharp as they could be. Yes. I’m immortal, creature of the night, demon, Vampire, whatever you wish to label me as. But as always, labels don’t stick forever. Someday we all have to die. Even us, the so called immortals, must have our days numbered. Labels can also change. I’ve met so many demons and creatures that call themselves vampires. I don’t think any of them are identical. I’ve met some that don’t drink blood; I’ve met some who spend their entire existence lusting after it. But I’ve met many who are almost ordinary, almost human. I tried to be like them at first. Then I tried other things. Now even I don’t know where I fit in. Not yet.

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